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Frequently Asked Questions
In the last 20 years, natural cannabinoid receptor systems have been discovered in the human body. It is binding to these receptors that cannabinoids produce their pharmacological effects. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors in humans, CB1 u0026amp; CB2. CB1 receptors are present in the brain, spinal cord, and certain peripheral tissues. CB2 receptors are found primarily in immune tissues.
CBD is a naturally occurring substance found in the cannabis plant; a plant that has been known and used by man for over 5,000 years. It has been incorporated into man’s life for so long, the human body even has its own endocannabinoid system, (ECS), with receptors found in our nervous system and our immune system to bind with CBD and THC. This is not unlike how we utilize other nutrients we consume to keep our health and wellness optimum.
Hempseed Oil is made from crushing the cannabis seeds which are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. There is no CBD or THC in the seeds and therefore, not in the seed oil. CBD Oil is made by a CO2 extraction process, which gently pulls the oil from the stalk, leaf, and resins. Both are said to be from Industrial Hemp which is Cannabis Sativa.
Most drug tests are geared towards identifying THC, not CBD or other cannabinoids. If one uses CBD rich cannabis that has only a small amount of THC, the THC may register on a drug test. A drug test geared toward CBD would not be an effective law enforcement tool, given that CBD is not psychoactive and does not cause impairment.
Full Spectrum relates to the hemp extract which contains dozens of cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, THC, CBN, CBC, CBL, CBT, CBE, CBR, DSBF, CBF, CBCN, CBT, and other acidic cannabinoids all found naturally in the hemp plant. The term Isolate commonly refers to a chemically reduced version of hemp extract which only contains a single cannabinoid such as CBD
Unlike marijuana, hemp contains very low levels (- .3 %) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in marijuana responsible for making a person feel high. We go the extra step of removing all of the THC so it is ND/ Triple 0. That is .0001 or Non-Detectable. CBD in no way gives a person a “high” or feeling of euphoria.
Yes – Unlike Medical Marijuana you do not require a special permit to buy BMHO. It is produced with product derived from Industrial Hemp grown in strict compliance with Sec. 7606 of the Farm Bill. As an approved vendor, we formulate our products as a dietary supplement and ship to your home anywhere in USA and other approved countries.
PG stands for Propylene Glycol, an organic glycerol made from propylene oxide, a petroleum by-product. The PG is a thin, odorless and tasteless liquid. The use and effects of propylene glycol have been thoroughly researched. It has been used safely for more than 50 years in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. In vaping it is used to provide a “throat hit”, which some users claim is similar to the sensation experienced when smoking tobacco.
The binding of THC and CB1 receptors is what triggers addictive tendencies, as it creates tolerance as well as withdrawal to occur with cessation of THC ingestion; however, because hemp only contains trace amounts of THC, it is non-addictive.
Our products are best kept in a dark, cool place. Make sure to close all of our products properly and securely. Since they are commonly used on a day-to-day basis, it is also recommended that they are stored in an easily accessible place. Some ideal places to store our products are medicine cabinets or your refrigerator.
While all of our products do not require a prescription, we do suggest consulting with a medical health professional if you are pregnant, nursing, attempting pregnancy, or taking other medications as to avoid possible interactions. That being said, none of our products are known to impair or any abilities or hinder your daily activities.